Fashion - Bachelors

零 (ZERO)

trophy Awarded

"零" (ZERO) is a graduation inspired collection that the designer, Yuria conveys the message of "Thankful" to people surrounding her. All the silhouettes are used white and black to express "start" and "end" and inspired by the flowers, named "Ranunculus" that her parent gave her when she graduated from the high school.


Fashion is a self-selfexpression that conveys what I think and feel.

The white blank canvas has been painted and filled by many different colours and eventually has become black

Some people think that black is a negative colour and expresses darkness or sadness, however, for me, black is a colour that no one can change and one of a kind which makes me feel proud and comfortable.

Flowers make people happy.

RANUNCULUS has a meaning of “very attractive”

The size and quantity of Ranunculus on the garments express ‘HOPE’ and memories.

“Fashion is fashion at the end of the day. It’s just about self-expression”

YOOn ahn
I incorporated the fashion textile of "Slashing"

the textile technique of slashing is used that has DIFFERENT TEXTURE of fabrics to express feelings such as happiness and struggling

Graduation is important for me as it is the prof of how hard I got through, how much I improved and how confidence I am


Yuria is an international student from Japan who loves expressing herself through fashion. She crossed over to QUT in Brisbane to improve her design skills high into professional level. Her design engaged to use of white and black to express “start” and “end” that she has been experiences through her life.